Crisis Management | Crisis Communications
Executive Communications & Contingency Operations
Crisis Management + Crisis Communications + Organization Dynamics – The bad news is: crises are going to happen. The good news is: you can prepare for bad news. The better news is: you can control how you manage crises and improve the success of your decision-making during a crisis. Our ECCO approach simplifies how to do to this in advance of an event, increasing your opportunity to make a positive impact in any circumstance.
Consider this . . .
1. Do you want to learn how to work less and produce more with effective and efficient organization?
2. Do you feel like your organization needs better structure, accountability and stronger lines of communication?
3. Are you aware of the different types of crises and the four common stages of every crisis?
4. Do you have a crisis management plan that includes a team and a communications strategy?
5. Do you have a designated spokesperson who can control the message during a crisis?
6. Can you handle unfavorable press?
7. What types of decisions will you make under crisis-induced stress?
Why Choose Us
We created ECCO and have plans to further develop technologies to support this approach during a live crisis.
We build practical tools that an organization can use during drills and in real time.
We work closely with organizations to ensure that ECCO is customized to meet their needs.
We are a family-owned business and we care about the livelihood and safety of our community.
We don’t sell fear.
We encourage you to manage your organization, not the crisis.
Our ECCO approach is designed to give you the peace of mind that you need while managing your organization.