ECCO | Crisis Management | Crisis Communications | Organizational Dynamics
Rowan University, Glassboro, NJ, 2009, B.A. Public Relations
Camden County College, Camden, New Jersey, 2007, A.A. Communications & Advertising
English (fluent), French (fluent), Spanish (fluent), Italian (proficient), Latin (fluent), Agni – West African dialect (fluent)
J. Phil Koffi
Owner | Principal
J. Phil Koffi is the Owner and Principal of Akanson Consulting Group Inc, a firm that provides media and public relations services. The public relations branch designs personalized ECCO plans, which is an approach that integrates communications and contingency planning to keep organizations up and running under any circumstance. The firm also offers professional development training, and translation and tutoring of French, Spanish and Italian.
Before attaining his Bachelor of Arts degree in Public Relations with Superior Academic Achievement from Rowan University, one of 22 accredited public relations schools worldwide and 11 in the United States, Philippe interned at the United States Department of Labor, Office of Public Affairs. Phil studied advanced Spanish at Universidad del Pais Basco in San Sebatian, Spain. He also achieved an Associate of Arts degree in Public Relations and Advertising from Camden County College.
Phil is fluent in French, Spanish, Italian, Latin, and Agni (West African dialect). He also studied constitutional law at Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV in Bordeaux (France) and history at the Université de Pau and Pays de l’Adour in Pau (France). He has lived for extended period in West Africa (Ivory Coast) and Europe (France and Spain), where he was an honor graduate sergeant of the French Army and bronze medallion of honor recipient for exceptional service rendered.
He is member of Golden Key, International Honor Society, Lamdda Pi Eta, National Communication Honor Society, Phi Beta Delta, Honor Society for International Scholars, and Phi Theta Kappa, International Honor Society for two-year Colleges. Phil was also awarded the following distinctions: December 2008 PRaction Publications Award for outstanding service and dedication to the chapter’s publications; May 2008 PRaction Award for endless support and dedication to PRaction, and for contributing a significant amount of time, energy and effort to the firm’s success; November 2007 PRSSA Member of the Month award; May 2007 Camden County College Departmental Award for Academic Excellence in Public Relations/Advertising; May 2001 French Military Bronze Medallion of Honor for Exceptional Service Rendered; and, September 2000 Honor Graduate and Certificate of Achievement French National Army.